This is my temporary (unorganized) code library location. You hit the jackpot. :j

Latest Discovery

Add html5shiv in WordPress theme without browser sniffing:

<script type="text/javascript">
document.createElement('canvas').getContext || document.write('<script src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/js/html5shiv.js"><\/script>');

HTML Character Codes


Go here ↗


&nbsp;  = ➝ ← (non‑breaking space)
&#8203;  = ➝​← (zero-width space)
&#8209;  = ‑(non‑breaking hyphen)
&shy;  =  (conditional hyphen)
&sbquo;  =  ‚ (when normal commas aren’t aloud)
&#9776  =  ☰
&#10005  =  ✕
&times  =  ×
&#10006  =  ✖
&#10004  =  ✔
&#9744  =  ☐
&#9746  =  ☒
&#9745  =  ☑
&#9725  =  ◽
&#9726  =  ◾
&#9723  =  ◻
&#9724  =  ◼
&#9734  =  ☆
&#9733  =  ★
more stars ⧉
&#9711  =  ◯
&#9898  =  ⚪
&#9899  =  ⚫
more circles ⧉
&#9698  =  ◢
&#9699  =  ◣
&#9700  =  ◤
&#9701  =  ◥
more triangles ⧉
&#11153;  =  ⮑
&#8634  =  ↺
&#8635  =  ↻
&#9636  =  ▤
&#9637  =  ▥
&#9638  =  ▦
&#9639  =  ▧
&#9640  =  ▨
&#9641  =  ▩
&#9851  =  ♻
&#9852  =  ♼
more recycle symbols ⧉

A more all-inclusive list

Counting in Multiples ⧉

  1. Single
  2. Double
  3. Triple
  4. Quadruple
  5. Quintuple/Pentuple
  6. Sextuple/Hextuple
  7. Septuple
  8. Octuple
  9. Nonuple
  10. Decuple
  11. Hendecuple/Undecuple
  12. Duodecuple
  13. Tredecuple
  14. Quattuordecuple
  15. Quindecuple
  16. Sexdecuple
  17. Septendecuple
  18. Octodecuple
  19. Novemdecuple
  20. Viguple

Web Font Sets

"Comic Sans MS","Marker Felt",Arial,sans-serif
"Gill Sans","Segoe UI",sans-serif
"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,"Century Gothic",Arial,sans-serif
"Myriad Pro","Myriad","Segoe UI",Segoe,sans-serif

WordPress Admin UI Color Classes

wp-ui-core (wrapper, required)

Useful WordPress Plugins

Excerpt Editor
Add or edit excerpts for Posts and Pages.

Facebook Page Publish 2
Publishes your posts on the wall of a Facebook profile or page.

Theme File Duplicator
Clone template files from the WP backend. Go to Appearance -> Add Page Template

Google Analytics

Google recommends placing their analytics code as follows:

General “site-wide” analytics code: <head> here </head>

Conversion tracking code: <body> (other content…) here </body>

Rad CSS stuff to try out

currentColor (color unit)

CSS Parallax

Useful Command lines

Clear cache on your local system: sudo dscacheutil -flushchache

Check what IP address a domain name is resolving to: ping

Commands to remember

          $ babel <source-file> --out-file=<public-file> --presets=env,react --watch

profile for Joe Rhoney at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers